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We Build Beautiful Spaces for The Way You Live

A Better Way to Build:

There is a better way to achieve efficient, cost-effective residential construction. But before I tell you about it, let’s talk about the current construction model.

Remodeling is personal. Homeowners should feel good about the artisans they invite into their home. Because it takes a village to reinvent a home, we need an efficient plan, a cohesive team, and a respectful protocol. Unfortunately, this is not the norm.

Intense competition fuels the predominant paradigm for residential construction. Often, the parties polarize and refuse to share responsibility for the home construction project. Each party defends its position and financial interests. The result is the destruction of trust across the board. Allow me to explain.

Here is a simple breakdown of how the “competitive construction” approach often unfolds.

1. An architect designs a plan the client requests yet potentially can’t afford. To save money, the homeowner may pass on additional details recommended by the architect.

2. The architect feels obligated to request three competitive bids from qualified contractors. Without necessary specifics, contractors are hard-pressed to bid the job accurately.

3. Due to the lack of architectural detail, contractors must make a best guess at realistic costs. In this competitive process, the client will most likely choose the lowest bid. This encourages the contractor to become overly optimistic in their pricing.

4. All parties in this scenario stand to lose. Each has unwittingly become a part of a standard process not designed from a win-win framework.

• The project costs will undoubtedly come back higher than the client expected. Pricing from square footage is an inaccurate method.

• Having compromised creativity and a detailed narrative, the architect doesn’t feel good about the project.

• Forced to cut corners, the contractor compromises integrity and reputation.

• The client must compromise their dream to complete the project within budget.

Disturbingly, the traditional construction approach is based on competition. Pair this with current economic factors and inflation and the entire process has become far more challenging to navigate. There are many pitfalls in this poorly designed system for homeowners and industry professionals alike.

Collaborative construction” is a Better Way to Build and offers an entirely different model. This model includes an efficient design process, as well as an overall cost-effective construction project. These two factors ensure a superior final product. Best of all, the process builds quality relationships between all parties.

I have used the collaborative construction process for 35+ years. Many happy homeowners, builders, and architects have formed solid, lasting relationships. Throughout my career, I have worked to make this process the industry standard.

Here is how the process works:

1. The first step is choosing the entire building team at the project’s onset. The team works collaboratively to fulfill the homeowner’s wishes. Team members include:

• Architect
• Builder
• Interior Designer
• Homeowner
• Engineering

2. The homeowner defines the budget upfront, and the budget drives the design process. The team as a whole plays a critical role in advising and guiding the multitude of necessary decisions. Intentions are clear and expectations are realistic. The builder and their trade partners offer input on project costs. Overseeing all phases, the team upholds both budgetary and creative considerations. Design, materials, labor, and overhead all remain transparent throughout the entire process.

3. Ultimate project success requires emphasis on preconstruction planning and design. By focusing on detailed collaborative planning at the start, results are more predictable. The process is more efficient. There is space for creativity, craftsmanship, and problem-solving. Collaboration becomes the successful and enjoyable norm.

In our collaborative construction process, the team is committed to creative solutions both individually and collectively, and to uphold positive relationships between all parties. Our goal is to ensure the best product at the lowest cost while preserving the owner’s vision and goals. Projects following this process almost always come in on budget and on time.

The building industry is full of talented people with wonderful ideas and great intentions. The competitive model is not in anyone’s best interest. Sheldon Builders is dedicated to a Better Way to Build. This higher standard honors each individual team member’s contribution and supports a collaboration for the good of the homeowner and the industry.

Let us know how we can help

Sheldon Builders, Inc.
303 884 5262
PO Box 326
Eldorado Springs, CO 80025
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